So fall anyway


Falling in love is scary, you don’t know what’s in store for you, 

Not seeing what lies ahead, but hoping to make it through,

Fear of falling on your face,

Still expecting someone to catch your fall with grace.

But then again, isn’t falling asleep scary too?

You close your eyes, 

and for a while it’s dark and lonely, until your dreams find you.

-Akanksha Gulia

Set on fire by you


Like a flame inside a drop of water

You soothed my soul then set me on fire

And the flames reached out to my intoxicating desires

In a matter of minutes I was nothing but ashes on the ground,

But I could still hear my heart pound,

True, I burnt down piece to piece, skin to bone, through and through,

But like the sun on fire was destined to find a lover in the calm moon, 

It was about time I was set on fire by you.

-Akanksha Gulia

Love found !


As far as I could see, there was nothing but blue horizons and calm seas

Burning sun in the sky, and a soft warm breeze,

Not a cloud in sight,

And I saw the sea and sky so intimately unite,

It was a painting right out of my dream land

Like all the stars in the galaxy were in the palm of my hand,

And I sailed on the crystal clear waters, with all the memories I was trying to preserve,

I felt the impact as I hit the hidden iceberg,

The boat sank, and I began to sink too,

But then I saw myself rise to the surface…

I was being rescued by you,

In the matter of seconds, you managed to put everything else in the background,

And in the middle of no where, love was found.

-Akanksha Gulia

You are Me


I shed the skin I used to be,

I changed what I used to see,

The world became brand new,

My heart began to follow you, my mind too,

My shadow resembles you more than it resembles me,

You have my heart captive in your hands, 

but I’ve never felt more free,

You became all that I am, 

I forgot all I used to be.

Now they look at me, 

it’s you they hope to see,

And honestly, without you, 

even I don’t recognise me.
-Akanksha Gulia



Time flies by, but life 

seems to be standing still,

And no matter what we do, 

we’re made to grow old 

against our will.

It’s like we’re all 

part of a big scheme,

Or maybe we only exist 

in someone else’s dream.

-Akanksha Gulia

Sing to me !


Sing the song of the stars to me,

Make the galaxy sway as you sway with me,

Hold my hand, spin me around,

Let nothing stand between us, neither sky nor ground,

The moon will hum our song as it shines,

The sun will burn with envy as I become yours, as you become mine,

I look at you and I smile, the only way I know how,

Stay with me, live this moment here and now,

And as you hold me so close to you, 

Making me fall in love, like you always do,

I’ll stay enchanted by you and your charms,

As I slowly fall asleep in your arms.
-Akanksha Gulia

Spread Love


Not everyone you love will love you back,
But it’s not you, 

it’s what they lack.

Love is so rare, 

and if you’ve got some to spare,

I say sprinkle that magic everywhere. 
-Akanksha Gulia